Well, 4 weddings down and one more to go today..So as promised some photos.
Okay, so as I'm trying to upload these photos.. I have somehow loaded the same one twice. I did catch this.. but if you know me as some do- you'll also know I don't know how to get rid of this photo.. I don't do computer stuff too well and I'm quite lucky to get up the things I can. So don't laugh at me- I know I have an error on this post.
The few I took at the shop don't even begin to tell the tale from this weekend. Flowers, foliages, grass, tree limbs.. in one of the background shots of Kelly.. beyond belief. Our new gal Angie, picked a great weekend to start.. nothing like -baptism by fire!! PS_ yes, she's in the double post photo..and she helped me srt up at the Hyatt- thanks Angie- you were a HUGE help !!Hopefully we'll get some good photos back from the photographers. Enjoy!
All the best-