Everyone experienced many things in 2008-good and bad. I think most people are glad to say-
Good bye.
So, out with the old and in with the new! What are you looking forward to??
As for me?.. my list includes in no particular order-
Figure out how to work my Apple more efficiently and learn how to use photoshop. For those of you that know how to photoshop- stop laughing. Yes, I am that incompetent.
I look forward to the opportunity to work with many new clients, both corporate and private. I'm looking forward to some wonderful weddings and party work. I can't wait for the amazing fresh flowers that are getting ready to grow- just for me to play with.
I am looking forward to celebrating my twenty-fourth wedding anniversary. I think twenty -nine years with the same person is pretty cool. Yes, do the math -we dated for five years. And better yet, is the fact that he still makes me melt.
I will enjoy redecorating my home [since it didn't sell- it's now new again- to me!]
I am looking forward to SPRING!! Beautiful blooming plants, beautiful, colorful window boxes, and warm weather once again.
I am excited to test for AIFD.. and I hope to have an amazingly creative day when I step into that testing room in Kansas City. Because I plan to leave Kansas City with the confidence of knowing I will get a letter in August that says I can put the four letters A I F D after my name.
And, as if I'm not planning for enough.. I hope for continued health, inner peace and happiness for myself, family, friends and clients. Because without those three things the rest is a little less likely to happen.
Have a wonderful New Year- 2009 should be quite interesting, to say the least.
All the Best!