I'm so glad to be home right now. No one else is here. The TV is off. No radio. Just me, the laptop and Heidi [my German Shepherd] snoozing at my feet.
I'm pooped! I did a shop sleepover last night, yes, Heidi stayed too. My husband was out of town and this was my chance to get some spring cleaning done. The Spring Fling is next Saturday, from 10-3. As if that isn't enough, I also have two weddings to do. So, I stayed over. I had to move furniture and rearrange the shop. As I term it, fluff and puff, the shop. I flipped the shop, put out the new stuff that arrived yesterday and worked on the cut flower orders that came in for today's deliveries. And I must say, I truly am pooped... but I'm not done yet.
I still have 3 brides to write up proposals for, get to a Kinkos for new printed material before the Open House, get out the follow up postcards to the Brides from a recent wedding show and my favorite- organize the Flower Porn.
Did she just say - Flower Porn?? Why, yes, I did. That's been my term for all of the images I've downloaded for the past 2-3 years. These are images of everything from single blossoms to bouquets, centerpieces and anything else I think may be an inspiring visual for our clients- typically brides for these particular files. I use these files after meeting with brides to give them a better visual to make them comfortable with their decision on the flowers. I know what I'm going to do with their flowers but they don't always see it the same way, and the Flower Porn helps. Of course those are not the photos we use on our website.. we use our own images of our own work. Since it seems to be a challenge for some local photographers to get photos back to us--[and of course our favorite photographers
always get us their images- that's why we love them!] we use the Flower Porn as a back up. Think of it a one giant wedding magazine with no ads and only great photos of everything perfect you could possible dream of. So tomorrow I'll have to start on the files.
We'll be launching a new version of our website soon. Jen has been reworking our current site, giving it a fresh, new look- and it's going to be awesome. She will have to re- load all of
our flower porn from the weddings, events and corporate stuff we've done. She's also been busy re-working our logo, mailing info and postcards. She is one busy girl... I do love her, and truly appreciate all of her computer skills.
Well, I've got to get started on the proposals. There's always something to do.
All the best,
Carolyn, Lulu and Heidi too!