Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year with New Hopes

A New Year is...another chance, another opportunity, a do-over, and most of all a Fresh Start.

Everyone experienced many things in 2008-good and bad. I think most people are glad to say-
Good bye.

So, out with the old and in with the new! What are you looking forward to??

As for me?.. my list includes in no particular order-
Figure out how to work my Apple more efficiently and learn how to use photoshop.  For those of you that know how to photoshop- stop laughing. Yes, I am that incompetent.

I look forward to the opportunity to work with many new clients, both corporate and private. I'm looking forward to some wonderful weddings and party work. I can't wait for the amazing fresh flowers that are getting ready to grow- just for me to play with.

I am looking forward to celebrating my twenty-fourth wedding anniversary. I think twenty -nine years with the same person is pretty cool. Yes, do the math -we dated for five years. And better yet, is the fact that he still makes me melt.

I will enjoy redecorating my home [since it didn't sell- it's now new again- to me!]

I am looking forward to SPRING!! Beautiful blooming plants, beautiful, colorful window boxes, and warm weather once again.

I am excited to test for AIFD.. and I hope to have an amazingly creative day when I step into that testing room in Kansas City. Because I plan to leave Kansas City with the confidence of knowing I will get a letter in August that says I can put the four letters A I F D after my name.

And, as if I'm not planning for enough.. I hope for continued health, inner peace and happiness for myself, family, friends and clients. Because  without those three things the rest is a little less likely to happen.

Have a wonderful New Year- 2009 should be quite interesting, to say the least.

All the Best!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Guess who can sing.. and who can't??

I am beyond thrilled that my Christmas shopping is nearly complete. Seeing that it's only a couple of days away you'd think I'd be finished. Well, heck no. Only a few special people are left on the list for a few little things. Anyway...

I need to back up a bit.. earlier in the month, I had a birthday. My darling hubby and kids thought I should grow up and get an Apple.. I think secretly my hubby wanted my current laptop to surf Ebay and of course I was right. It worked in my favor regardless..I got a laptop. Now, I am in the progress of figuring out all of the nuances of an's definitely different than my other laptop. So I feel like I'm having to learn a new language.

So what did I learn today??? Well, I learned that the ear plugs from my Ipod work on my laptop. It sounds great! And what else did I learn?? My hubby told me that I cannot sing??? What?? I sound great! At least I do in my head. But he insists I'm wrong. All I can say is I am sooo glad my daughter introduced me to  Now I can listen to all of the George Michael I want and sing as badly as I can-- because I cannot hear myself. This is GREAT !!

Oh, and who can sing??? Well, that would be Jessica.. yep- she has the voice of an angel. And she has friend that sing too, and they're talented as musicians too. Gosh, some people.   

Saturday, December 06, 2008

We're getting NOTHING for Christmas!!

We're getting nothing for Christmas.. and we know it. We were very bad. We took advantage of Santa's chair being at the shop and took naughty photos in it. We will probably get coal-- which could be a good thing considering the economy- at least that could provide heat. But, none the less- we were overcome with silliness. We figured 'what the heck, the Big Guy isn't coming back any time soon.'
So, like Goldilocks, we frolicked in the giant chair. We tried to figure out when he'd gone to Egypt to snag this ugly specimen. Egyptian chair- Santa...?? it didn't make sense to us, but we played anyway.
We didn't know it, but Santa Came back today, Saturday. He informed us he'll be back to our shop every Saturday until Christmas. Great!! now we really do have to behave.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Calling all Marthas..Class is in Session Tuesday, December 16

If you've ever wondered--'what nifty things could I come up with for a last minute hostess gift, inexpensive decor gift or quick gift wrap idea?'-- then you should take our fun class- Holiday Ideas 101

We will be holding our class at Lavender Hill on Tuesday, December 16 at 7pm. We have room for 12 people for our first class. We promise to make if fun and keep things on course to end by 8:30.

The class will be $20. per person. Our class will cover quick gift wrapping ideas, you'll make a simple centerpiece and learn how to create additional quick centerpieces from things you may already have in your home.  We also want your input on things you want to learn how to do.

If you're interested call the shop at 288-2388 or email us and let us know your coming. Martha said she would come - but we said 'No'-that's a Good Thing- she would just be too distracting... 

Blooming Carpet

Talk about a custom made carpet!! I just received this photo from our favorite Photog Princess- Stef- This would be amazing to see in person. Just thought I'd share- Thanks, Stef.