We know this is the season of anticipation. Kids wanting that toy, Guys wanting- let's see, the giant TV or mega mechanic's tool chest. And the ladies... well if you're single and have found Mr. Right and the timing is right-- well, most ladies want -The Ring-
It is an amazing thing to receive. Not just because it's a beautiful piece of jewelry, but because of what it symbolizes. It represents love, commitment and promise. So, if you receive 'The Ring' at some point during this holiday season, give us a call.
We know as the months fly off the calendar during your engagement, you'll have lots to do. Getting to that magical date with as little stress possible is something we can help you with. We would love the opportunity to sit down with you and learn more about your wedding details. We can show you how amazing flowers can be worked into your event, in any price point. Great flowers can absolutely transform a space and we know the secrets of doing it properly.
Don't wait to call for your appointment. We have some dates already booked for 2010. We'll also be participating in some of the wedding shows scheduled in January. So, give us a call. In the mean time, check out our website at www.lavenderhillflorals.com We look forward to meeting you.