Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We're getting a shopmate!

Vintage, made modern. ... Is it flowers? Well, it could be. But this time, it isn't.

Just to share some info on what's going on at 'The Hill'-
First, we've quietly celebrated our tenth anniversary in May. Why so quiet? Because, honestly we had so much going on in May and June -thankfully- we've had to put off the celebrating a bit. We'll celebrate, a bit more loudly this fall during our Open house.

Along with celebrating our tenth anniversary, we'll also be celebrating a new 'look' in the shop. Currently, we're in the middle of a re-do at the shop. We'll be making some visual changes, moving our consult area and most importantly- we'll begin designing on the floor. Yes, you can pop in the shop and stroll into the design room and watch the magic happen.

As if those things aren't cool enough our next big announcement is....we're getting a shop mate!!
Swell Dwellings will be opening a working studio inside Lavender Hill!! They'll be available by appointment only. 

Founded by Kristen Reinhart Davis in 2011, Swell Dwellings focuses on modern upholstery and furniture redesign. They'd love to help you recover a sentimental piece or even find a fabulous new-to-you piece that would be the perfect addition to your home. They believe that every piece of furniture deserves a second chance to be gorgeous. 
They can also tackle headboards, ottomans, and many other projects. Just ask!

If you'd like to meet regarding a project contact Kristen via swelldwell@gmail.com.
Visit their website at  http://itsaswelllife.com Their goal is to be officially 'in' in September. So, be sure to check back and enjoy the changes in the mean time.

Pop in the shop for some beautiful flowers. While you're there, you can pick up a gift, work on some decorating ideas for your furniture and let us create a beautiful permanent arrangement for your home, to go with that snazzy newly upholstered piece of furniture. It's a win-win all the way around.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some awesome news to share... This time tomorrow, one of our designers- Jessica, will be in Miami at one of the biggest floral events in our industry- The National Floral Symposium- hosted by the American Institute of Floral Designers. This year's theme- Caliente!

Jessica received a scholarship to attend. She was one of only few, out of many applicants, to receive the scholarship. While there, she will spend quite a bit of her time in the design room. She has been given a great opportunity to be one of three designers on the design team of 
Master Dutch Designer, Pim van Den Akker. This is only one aspect of what Jessica will be doing while in Miami. 

She will also be attending educational seminars, and the induction dinner celebrating the newest members being added to the AIFD family of designers. This event is a floral feast for the eyes.
We're excited to share with all of our clients and floral friends, our commitment to our flowers and the importance of continuing education.

We look forward to following Jesssica's floral adventures, photos and fun.