Friday, February 08, 2008

A Couple of Booked Dates

Just wanting to post now about a couple of dates that the shop will be closed.

We will be closed Saturday, April 19- for out of town business.

Friday May 2, the shop will close early due to a large event set up for a Pre-Derby party. Saturday, May 3, Derby Day.. we will be closed.. due to setting up for parties.

We will be closed memorial Day weekend.. May 24-26..Happily, we are booked for an event that will take us out of town.

We're sorry if you're checking in for possible wedding dates on these weekends. But, knowing now that our complete staff will be booked, we would rather decline any additional events.

Best wishes
Carolyn and Lulu
Lulu will be doing nothing to help with these events. She will stay at the shop and look beautiful.

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