The second part of my trip to Boston is this...along with being there for the Floral Symposium, my first reason for attending was to test for my AIFD certification. Well, this should be simple- heck I've been in the floral business for...let's see...25+ years. Truth be told, this was my second attempt to pass this test. I went for the first time last year and missed passing by one point. As much as it humbled me- there was no way I was accepting defeat. I knew I could pass this test. So I would avenge myself this year. Failure is not an option for me.
The best way to compare this test for someone not in the floral business is to combine every Food Network Show- Chopped, Iron Chef, Cake Challenge and every other super stress inducer and roll it into one four hour episode. As prepared and skilled as you are- you have no idea what you will be asked to design. You have no idea what flowers will be given to you and you have no idea what you will be using as a container for your design. So, you better know how to think on your feet, be really creative and have complete control of your nerves under pressure.
I walked, in found my table, saw what I was designing with -all in my least favorite color palette [of course] and my mind went completely blank. Which was actually a good thing for me. I completely focused and just created. Four hours flew by and so did the rest of my stay in Boston.
I tried not to drive myself crazy rethinking everything, but at times I did. I truly tried to be in the moment of enjoying this opportunity to be with floral friends and fellow testers. I enjoyed the opportunity to assist in the design room and be 'this close' to some of my favorite designers and just take in their creative ideas and conversations. It was such a welcomed moment in time. It was then Monday and time to return home. We would find out the results some time in August..or so we were told.
So where does this rock with the words on it come in??? Well, it was by chance while I was on an early morning walk in Boston, that I saw this. Down a boulevard a few blocks from the hotel, this rock was part of a memorial for a writer and sailor. I just thought it was interesting that on this day - July 4th, I would read these words-- Dream dreams.. then write them..but live them first-
I dreamed many times how I'd feel passing this test- but first I'd have to take the test. I lived it. I did it. And now I'm writing- I passed. I am now AIFD floral designer. The good news came a little early.
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