A strange combination...Halloween and Weddings. But, kind of cool to me.
My parents would have actually been celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this Halloween. Unfortunately, both of them have passed away, but I still love looking at the few wedding photos I have of their day.
One in particular always captured my attention. It was a great photo taken outside the church. Off to one side of the photo were two kids in their vintage masked halloween costumes. I always wondered who they were.
Why would they hang outside the church? What kid would hang outside a church? I mean really. And then I stopped thinking that after it occurred to me- I was that kid. I mean- not them.
I was that kid that hung outside the Greek Orthodox church down the street from my house. Patiently waiting on my pink bike with the streamers hanging from my handle bars. If there was a wedding going on, I was there. I loved it. Back in the day.. to me, all of the brides looked like Pricilla Presley. Giant dark hair. Huge dresses. Big doe eyes with black eye liner. I thought they were beautiful!!!
The big, black Cadillac covered with handmade Kleenex flowers taped to it. This oh-so-fancy, big car, waiting for this special Girl. I learned to watch the man in the black suit with the hat who hung out by the big black car. The Driver! He was my cue for when those doors would fly open and all those people would pour out. But, who was SHE? And the Elvis-like man. To me they were this beautiful, mysterious couple. And what was more mysterious to me was- the church.
I loved getting a glimpse of the inside of this beautiful, gold church. PLueeeease open the doors wider! And while you're at it, get out of the way, so I can see in.
Adorned was this church with these unusual paintings of people. Saints? Who were they? I was Catholic. I always thought my church was so beautiful... and it was. Our's had beautiful marble statues and our patron saint's was especially ginormous to me. ..but this fancy church! One day I'm going to find a reason to get inside it. But how???
Fast forward to my profession and ...Voila!! I'm in!!! I AM a Florist !!!! Big bouffant hair, the giant dress, the big, dark eyed bride. Yes!! I am doing my neighbor's wedding. In this church. The mystery is revealed. And it was as magnificent as I had always imagined it would be.
So... to the little kids outside my parent's church on their wedding day- I totally get it.
That's funny. You could have just walked in the door, sis :)
I know where you're coming from. My dad moonlighted as a wedding photographer and I'd go with him, quietly sitting in the pews or somewhere out of the way at the reception and take in every detail...the flowers, fabric & details of the gowns, how the bride had her hair fixed, the process of getting the show on the road, the food(especially cake. NO detail escaped me and I loved every minute of it. I couldn't wait for my dad to print the images so I could relive it. He'd even give me extra prints so I could have my own collection of brides I didn't even know. Those were long days when the ceremony was early in the morning, a huge b'fast with hams and fried chicken was served with all the trimmings, and the reception was held later in the day.I couldn't get enough of this wonderous event. Thanks dad for the memories
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