Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I haven't gotten lost !

Well, it's been a few weeks since my last post. I have definite issues with computers-- ask Kim..once she stops laughing she'll confirm my incompetence.

I do promise more photos ASAP because we have some amazing weddings on next week's schedule. One at Garden Court,the other at Big Springs Country Club. Each completely different taste. One romantic and traditional..the other contemporary and chic.

Aside from that.. the fall merchandise is slowly arriving at the's quite spiffy great gifts for you and the home. We've begun the fall and holiday silks. Kelly has been a decorating maniac in the shop and it looks fab- of course! She's amazing.

Cary has been busy updating our customer list. I am amazed at how many clients have been added since the new year.. lots of wonderful people. We'll have lots of invitations for the Open House in November.

Well, that's it for now---except we have two new products to unveil in September. One is for anyone wanting something great for a party be it birthday at the office or anniversary at home--what could it be?? The other is a new twist for busy brides..Stay tuned.

Beautiful flowers..are just the Beginning!!

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